Percentage Question Answer

Latest Percentage Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

In this article, we provided the latest percentage questions with solutions 2021. The Percentage questions and answers are mostly asked in all competitive exams. Eg:- Union Public Service Commission, State Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission, Railway Recruitment Board, etc. In this, questions related to the classification are asked.

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Percentage questions for competitive exams

Here four options are given for each question. Out of which one option is correct. You have to choose the correct option. Similar questions are asked in the exam also. So read and memorize these questions again and again. You can visit and prepare for your competitive exams freely conveniently. Candidates or students prepare here with the help of these online questions and answer free mock test online tests. You can evaluate your general awareness questions preparation skills by trying the online test exams and know your score.

Percentage questions for SSC PDF Download


31. A student scored 32% marks in science subjects out of 300. How much should he score in language papers out of 200 if he is to get overall 46% marks?

(A)  67%

(B)  60%

(C)  72%

(D)  66%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 67%


32. In a village, each of the 60% of families has a cow each of the 30% of families has a buffalo and each of the 15% of families has both a cow and a buffalo. In all there are 96 families in the village. How many families do not have a cow or a buffalo?

(A)  28

(B)  24

(C)  20

(D)  26

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 24


33. The ratio of the number of boys to that of girls in a school is 4 : 1. If 75% of boys and 70% of the girls are scholarship-holders, then the percentage of students who do not get scholarship is:

(A)  28%

(B)  75%

(C)  50%

(D)  26%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (D) 26%


34. The ratio of males and females in a city is 7: 8 and the percentage of children among males and females is 25% and 20% respectively. If the number of adult females in the city is 156800 what is the total population?

(A)  367500

(B)  171500

(C)  245000

(D)  196000

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 367500


35. A number is increased by 20% and then again by 20%. By what percent should the increased number be reduced so as to get back the original number?

(A)  40%

(B)  19(11/31) %

(C)  30(5/9) %

(D)  None of these

(E)  44%

Ans. (C) 30(5/9) %


36. In a company XYZ Pvt ltd, the ratio of total number of undergraduate employees to the total number of graduate employees is 13: 23. The company has only two branches- one is in Kolkata and another is in Mumbai. If the total number of undergraduate employees in Kolkata branch is 351, which is 30% of the total undergraduate employees in the company, what is the total number of graduate employees in the company?

(A)  1950

(B)  1970

(C)  2185

(D)  2170

(E)  2070

Ans. (E) 2070


37. The monthly income of Ramesh and Suresh together is Rs. 62500. The income of Ramesh and Suresh is increased by 20% and 15% respectively. The new income of Suresh is Rs. 1375 more than the new income of Ramesh. What is the new income of Suresh?

(A)  Rs. 38250

(B)  Rs. 37375

(C)  Rs. 35625

(D)  Rs. 36500

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) Rs. 37375


38. Neha’s attendance for first two semesters out of four was 60% and 70%, respectively. What is the minimum attendance required in third semester so that her average attendance will be 80% throughout four semesters? (Assume equal number of days among the four semesters)

(A)  70%

(B)  95%

(C)  85%

(D)  90%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (D) 90%


39. In an examination, Chetan scored 45% marks and failed by 18 marks. In the same examination, Priya scored 54% marks and get 27 marks more than the passing marks. What is the score of Rahul in the same examination, who secured 75 %?

(A)  375

(B)  670

(C)  342

(D)  450

(E)  234

Ans. (A) 375


40. Jyoti scored 430 marks in an examination and Deepa got 72 percent marks in the same examination which is 70 marks less than Jyoti. If the minimum passing marks in the examination is 35 percent, then find the minimum passing marks in the examination? 

(A)  290

(B)  480

(C)  175

(D)  270

(E)  450

Ans. (C) 175



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Besides Percentage test questions or Percentage questions, you can find here the Percentage formula, Percentage tutorial, Percentage tips, and mockup test for Percentage, etc.

Percentage online test/Percentage mock test/Percentage quiz

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Percentage pdf download

You can download here Percentage test pdf, Percentage question pdf, Percentage formula pdf.

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