Percentage Question Answer

Latest Percentage Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

In this article, we provided the latest percentage questions with solutions 2021. The Percentage questions and answers are mostly asked in all competitive exams. Eg:- Union Public Service Commission, State Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission, Railway Recruitment Board, etc. In this, questions related to the classification are asked.

We provide many free online study materials question answers with explanations. Here we provide online study material for Percentage for sbi clerk, Percentage questions and answers in pdf, Percentage online test, Percentage questions and answer with solution, Percentage question and answer for competitive exams, Percentage mock test, etc.

Percentage questions for competitive exams

Here four options are given for each question. Out of which one option is correct. You have to choose the correct option. Similar questions are asked in the exam also. So read and memorize these questions again and again. You can visit and prepare for your competitive exams freely conveniently. Candidates or students prepare here with the help of these online questions and answer free mock test online tests. You can evaluate your general awareness questions preparation skills by trying the online test exams and know your score.

Percentage questions for SSC PDF Download


51. Gagan’s monthly salary is equal to 50% of Naresh’s monthly salary. Naresh’s monthly salary is Rs. 28000 less than Suresh’s monthly salary. If Suresh’s monthly salary is Rs. 58000. What is Gagan’s annual salary?    

(A)  170000

(B)  160000

(C)  150000

(D)  180000

(E)  130000

Ans. (D) 180000


52. Fifty-three percent of a number is 358 less than the square of 26. What is the value of three-fourth of 23 percent of that number?

(A)  103.5

(B)  113

(C)  109.5

(D)  101

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 103.5


53. A vendor sells 60 percent of apples he had and throws away 15 percent of the remainder. Next day he sells 50 percent of the remainder and throws away the rest. What percent of his apples does the vendor throw?

(A)  23%

(B)  77%

(C)  25%

(D)  17%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 23%


54. In a company, 70% of employees are above 30 years old and 60% of that is males. If the total number of male employees aged 30 years above is 4200. Find the total number of employees in the company.

(A)  9,050

(B)  10,000

(C)  12,500

(D)  11,560

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 10,000


55. In an examination, Chintu got 25 marks less than Chhotu. Chhotu got 45 marks more than Seema. Mohan got 75 marks which is 10 marks more than Seema. Rahul’s marks is 50 less than full marks. If Rahul got 34 marks more than Chintu then what is the approximate percentage of marks fetched by Rahul?

(A)  60

(B)  80

(C)  70

(D)  90

(E)  85

Ans. (C) 70


56. In a city, 62% of the population is male and remaining are females. Out of the males 74% are literate and remaining are illiterate. Out of females 65% are literate and remaining are illiterate. If total number of illiterate population is 29,420, then the population of the city is?

(A)  1, 13,000

(B)  1, 00,000

(C)  1, 28,000

(D)  1, 25,000

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 1, 00,000


57. A man loses 12(1/2) % of his money and after spending 70% of the remainder, is left with Rs. 210. Find the amount of money he had.

(A)  Rs. 900

(B)  Rs. 840

(C)  Rs. 600

(D)  Rs. 800

(E)  None of these

Ans. (D) Rs. 800


58. In the given figure 10% are students and parents and the 10% are students, teachers and parents, 15% are teachers and parents, 35% are students and teachers, How many percent are only teachers, parents and students?

(A)  40, 45, 55

(B)  65, 40, 45

(C)  45, 40, 65

(D)  40, 65, 45

(E)  None of these

Ans. (D) 40, 65, 45


59. In an office there are 40% female employees. Out of them 40% of females and 60% of males voted for me. What was the percentage of my votes?

(A)  52

(B)  50

(C)  42

(D)  24

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 52


60. The price of an item is increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%. The final price as compared to original price is:

(A)  4% more

(B)  4% less

(C)  20% more

(D)  20% less

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 4% less




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Besides Percentage test questions or Percentage questions, you can find here the Percentage formula, Percentage tutorial, Percentage tips, and mockup test for Percentage, etc.

Percentage online test/Percentage mock test/Percentage quiz

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Percentage pdf download

You can download here Percentage test pdf, Percentage question pdf, Percentage formula pdf.

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