Percentage Question Answer

Latest Percentage Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

In this article, we provided the latest percentage questions with solutions 2021. The Percentage questions and answers are mostly asked in all competitive exams. Eg:- Union Public Service Commission, State Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission, Railway Recruitment Board, etc. In this, questions related to the classification are asked.

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Percentage questions for competitive exams

Here four options are given for each question. Out of which one option is correct. You have to choose the correct option. Similar questions are asked in the exam also. So read and memorize these questions again and again. You can visit and prepare for your competitive exams freely conveniently. Candidates or students prepare here with the help of these online questions and answer free mock test online tests. You can evaluate your general awareness questions preparation skills by trying the online test exams and know your score.

Percentage questions for SSC PDF Download


41. Two persons contested an election of Parliament. The winning candidate secured 57% of the total votes polled and won by a majority of 42,000 votes. The number of total votes polled is

(A)  2, 00,000

(B)  3, 00,000

(C)  6, 00,000

(D)  5, 00,000

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 3, 00,000


42. 40% of a number is 330 more than 30% of the second number. If the second number is 90 less than than thrice the above mentioned difference, the (4/5)th part of first number is what percent of the second number ?

(A)  111.11%

(B)  133.33%

(C)  123.43%

(D)  90.09%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 133.33%


43. What is the difference between the number of literate males and literate females?

(A)  5,000

(B)  500

(C)  75,000

(D)  1,500

(E)  None of these

Ans. (A) 5,000


44. A man spend 75% of his income. His income increased by 20% and he increased his expenditure by 15%. His savings will then be increased by 

(A)  40%

(B)  35%

(C)  33(1/3) %

(D)  33%

(E)  None of these

Ans. (B) 35%


45. Amit spends 40% of his allowance on hostel expenses, 20% on books and stationary, and 50% of the remaining on transport. He saves Rs. 450, which is half of the remaining amount after spending on the hostel expenses, books and stationary and transport. How much is his allowance?

(A)  3800

(B)  2500

(C)  4800

(D)  4500

(E)  3200

Ans. (D) 4500


46. Mr Lal spends 25% of his monthly income on food, 10% on education, 20% on rent and is left with Rs. 15,750. What is his monthly income, and how much did he spent on salary?

(A)  32,500

(B)  25,000

(C)  19,225

(D)  40,000

(E)  None of the above

Ans. (C) 19,225


47. The cost of packaging of the oranges is 20% the cost of fresh oranges themselves. The cost of oranges increased by 30% but the cost of packaging decreased by 50%, then the percentage change of the cost of packed oranges, if the cost of packed oranges is equal to the sum of the cost of fresh oranges and cost of packaging. 

(A)  13.66%

(B)  14.33%

(C)  16.66%

(D)  14.5%

(E)  None of the above

Ans. (C) 16.66%


48. Priya’s science test consist of 85 questions from three sections- i.e. A, B and C. 10 questions from section A, 30 questions from section B and 45 question from section C. Although, she answered 70% of section A, 50% of section B and 60% of section C correctly. She did not pass the test because she got less than 60% of the total marks. How many more questions she would have to answer correctly to earn 60% of the marks which is passing grade? 

(A)  6

(B)  5

(C)  4

(D)  2

(E)  8

Ans. (D) 2


49. In an election between two candidates A and B, the number of valid votes received by A exceeds those received by B by 15% of the total number of votes polled. If 20% of the votes polled were invalid and a total of 8720 votes were polled, then how many valid votes did B get? 

(A)  3150

(B)  2834

(C)  2420

(D)  2160

(E)  None of the above

Ans. (B) 2834


50. Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week? 

(A)  350

(B)  300

(C)  250

(D)  200

(E)  None of these

Ans. (C) 250



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Besides Percentage test questions or Percentage questions, you can find here the Percentage formula, Percentage tutorial, Percentage tips, and mockup test for Percentage, etc.

Percentage online test/Percentage mock test/Percentage quiz

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Percentage pdf download

You can download here Percentage test pdf, Percentage question pdf, Percentage formula pdf.

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